Our Story

Welcome to The Dessert Geek!

Indulge in the world of decadence and pure bliss with us, your ultimate destination for exquisite desserts and chocolates.

The Dessert Geek is here to make your celebrations truly unforgettable. We offer a range of personalised and customisable desserts, tailored to suit your unique tastes and preferences. Whether it’s a dreamy wedding cake, an elegant dessert buffet for a corporate event, or a show-stopping birthday creation, our team of skilled artisans will work closely with you to bring your vision to life.

At The Dessert Geek, we believe that desserts are not just sweet treats; they are the perfect embodiment of joy, celebration, and the art of fine gifting

Quality Commitment
Creative Expression
Customer Delight
Sustainable Prices

Stuti Shah

Pastry Chef

Welcome to my world of pastry delights! I’m Stuti Jain, a passionate pastry chef on a mission to tantalize taste buds and create unforgettable dessert experiences. With a love for all things sweet, I embarked on my culinary journey inspired by the joy that beautifully crafted pastries bring. From elegant French pastries to unique and innovative creations, I specialize in crafting delectable treats that are both visually stunning and indulgently delicious which are 100% egg free.Through continuous learning, creativity, and an unwavering dedication to quality, I bring my unique touch to every dessert I create. Join me on this sweet adventure as I let the flavors of passion and artistry dance on your palate.

Hygiene Is At Our Apex

Impeccable Cleanliness

We take cleanliness very seriously at our bakery. All of our equipment is cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis, and we use only the highest quality ingredients. Our staff is also required to wear clean uniforms and to wash their hands frequently. We believe that cleanliness is essential to producing delicious, safe, and high-quality baked goods.

Rigorous Sanitation

We follow rigorous sanitation procedures at our bakery to ensure that our products are safe for our customers to eat. We have a dedicated sanitation team that cleans and sanitizes all of our equipment and surfaces on a daily basis. We also have a strict policy of cross-contamination prevention, and we use only food-grade chemicals to clean our equipment.

Hourly Handwash

Our staff washes their hands hourly at our bakery to prevent the spread of bacteria. We have sinks located throughout the bakery, and our staff is required to wash their hands before and after handling food, after using the restroom, and after changing gloves. We believe that handwashing is one of the most important things we can do to keep our customers safe.

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